Recently and with ironic timing, both my wife and oldest daughter have had multiple bouts of work (and life) related muscle pain. The featured product here is not something we’ve generally had a whole lot of need for over the years but it’s good to know that Melaleuca has offered this probably since the earliest days of their product line, and, it has a unique advantage not found in any leading store brand alternative.
The name Pain-A-Trate is admittedly kind of corny but it’s also appropriately accurate to describe exactly what it does and the advantage it offers. The very core of Melaleuca as a company centers around pure melaleuca oil, though it has expanded greatly since they began in 1985. Melaleuca oil contains many beneficial properties and among those are that it is a natural and soothing penetrant. That ingredient, not used in other leading products, takes the other ingredients in the formulation deep into the body to greatly enhance the effectiveness.
I certainly hope our family experiences with pain subside (I myself have remained excluded) but we are getting older being in our 60’s. Since our oldest daughter is only 36, the effects of muscle aches don’t require advanced age. But it’s nice that when life does kick you in the butt, this stuff will quickly ease the pain. Between the expertise of a good chiropractor, the ancient practices of acupuncture and yoga, and a handy tube of Pain-A-Trate, you should find life much better. Well, add faith in a great God and life will be even better yet.